Category: Featured
Williamsburg No. 6 Visit
On June 22nd, Worshipful Master Matthew Duley joined Williamsburg No. 6 in celebrating St. John the Baptist Day. Following an educational program about Masonic Music, under escort of fife and drum, the lodge marched to Bruton Parish Church for an 18th century sermon, and then marched back to the lodge for lunch.
Food Drive
On July 29th, 2024 members of Freedom Lodge hosted a successful food drive to support the Western Loudoun Food Pantry.
Lovettsville Parade
Members of Freedom Lodge gathered together with friends and family to celebrate our nation’s Independence at the Lovettsville parade on July 3rd, 2024. The lodge served hot dogs, drinks, chips, pickles and snow cones as a fundraiser, and marched in the parade.
Books & Blooms
Freedom Lodge and The Order of the Amaranth are hosting a used book sale. Proceeds benefit the Lodge Building Fund and The Amaranth Diabetes Fund.
Walk of Masonry
The WALK OF MASONRY reprisal!! Order your bricks today — $118 each as a donation to Freedom Lodge Walk-of-Masonry-Order-Form-v7 Please consider making a donation to Freedom Lodge by ordering your very own brick for our Walk of Masonry. Brother Chuck, Brother J David, Worshipful Dick, and RW Harris have refreshed the Walkway – reset the…