Grand Lodge

The 2012 Grand Lodge Communication is now past.   The Commonwealth of Virginia has a new slate of officers to lead the Craft for the next Masonic year.

Freedom’s own George Shoemaker has been installed as the District Deputy Grand Master for the Second Masonic District.
Congratulations Brother George!

FREEDOM LODGE No. 118 was acknowledged as a recipient of both the James Noah Hillman and Seymour Levy Awards.   Congratulations Brothers on a job well done!

Other items of note from Grand Lodge include…
Resolutions 1, 2 & 8 were adopted.
#2 being the increase in the MAHOVA assessment beginning in 2014.
Never a better time than now to lock in that Life Membership in Perpetuity (LMIP) before the increase goes into effect.
Resolutions 3, 4, & 9 were rejected by the Craft.
Resolutions 5, 6, & 7 were withdrawn.

Your newly elected Grand Line is…
GM   – LK Campbell
DGM – WS Flora
GSW – RE Carroll, Jr
GJW – JE Litton
Trea – JM Chambliss
Sec –  AW Adkins
GSD – VS Cook
GJD – GW Taylor





